The girl was maybe 50 feet away from me when i saw her go down, so I called 9-1-1 as I was approaching her. The dispatcher told me to try to roll her on her side if I could, which I did, and to keep my fingers away from her mouth, which I did. Campus police was there quickly, and one of them who came is a trained paramedic. They phoned for also an ambulance. In real life law enforcement personnel, or at least campus security people, don;t refer to ambulances ans buses as is done on Law $ Order. For all I know, the NYPD really does.
The girl regained consciousness in what was probably just three minutes but seemed a lot longer. She said she's never had a seizure before. I felt very sorry for her. One apparently common seide effect of grand mal seizures is a loss of control of certain body functions. I had a little blanket with me that had no particular sentimental value, but I was going to use it to stay warm in the theatre between my scenes. I left it with her. I heard the ambulance pulling up before I reached the theatre.
Rehearsal is going well. I think we'll be ready.
Good job staying calm :) I'm sure the girl was happy that there were people around to help her
Glad you had the presence of mind to be able to help her.