Friday, November 17, 2017

I'm available if your name is Philip Phillpis (and you're the REAL Philip Phillips).

God, this prednisone is killing me, or at least is wreaking havoc with my sleep.  I stay awake for sixty hours straight, then go into a coma for the next twenty.  I would be really worried about the situation ezceopt that what the prednisone is doning to me is not all that much different  that what the medical school and intern schedule is done and.or will do to my sleep schedule anywy, so it's probably pointkess to worry about it -- six of one or half a dozen of the other, to be overly trite, which I seem to be lately.

Regarding beginning this post with the word "God," I may be giving the wrong impression. I've decided to give the idea of following Jesus a more concerted effort. It would seem that, in light of such, not beginning a post by breaking one of The Big Ten (numero dos in the Catholic sequence and numero tres in the Protestant sequence; I haven't yet decided which if either I more closely align) would be a step in the right direction. On the other hand, in my interpretation (I've yet to find a single theologizan who agrees with me, but since when has that sort of thing gotten in my way?), God is not His  (or Her) name. It's a title. The name is Elohim or Jehovah or Yahweh  or something along those lines. Just as, once I become an MD, assuming I make it that far, Doctor will never be my actual name unless I I go through the steps of legally changing it to such, which would be ludicrous. but rather, a title, God is not the name of the Supreme Being but rather a job descroption. Nowhere in any of The Big Ten does it say not to take God's or anyone else's job description in vain. If you find it disrespectful or irreverent to say the word God when you are speaking of anything or anyone other than The Supremem Being, by all means, refrain from doing such yourself, but I would appreciate not being condemned to Hell for not taking the same approach.

I've digressed in a most egregious way, though.  The point of this post is not to enucleate my new religious fervor or to delineate my own interpretation of The Ten Commandmanets, but to declare my undying love for Philip Phillips. With all due respect to any and all men (if truth were to be told, there haven't been all that many) I've ever dated, may be presently dating, or may date in the future, were Philip Phillips to call me at this precise moment to propose marriage to me, I would almost certainly accept the proposal with or without a prenup.

Reverting to my initial declaration of religious fervor, during this Christmas season I may, in a manic rage or display of religious devotion, post of recording of myself singing a religious, most likely nativity-oriented, hymn.  If I do this, it will not be to share with the world at large, or, more correctly, with the miniscule readership who appear here from time to time, that I have been gifted with a marvelous voice which warrants being shared with the world at large in a return of gratitude for the great gift with which God has blessed me. Rather, the point would be that the Bible states somewhere (I don't claim to be a scriptorian by any stretch of the word though through some statistical anomaly I am somehow a  two-time graduate of LDS seminary) that a joyful noise to the Lord should be made.  The resulting sound will be somewhere between the ducet tones of Knotty and the less dulcet tones typiclly produced either vocally or by clarinet by The Stormin' Mormon (truthfully, i'll probably sound a bit more lite The Stormin' Mormon)..  If one keeps his or her expectations low, he or she may find that he or she is neither excessively disapoointed nor too rolling-on-the-floor-unable-to catch-his-or-her-breath-due to-uncontrolled-laughter hysterical by the end result.

In the end, it may or may not happen, and, if it does happen, the result will not be a thing of beauty. It will be a pure offering of devotion to Jesus, though. Let me warn you:. my singing voice has yet to mature and probably never will.

And Philip Phillips, email me if you want my cell number.


  1. He;s cute and all, but we can deliver food do you, but without duct tape and stun guns we can't deliver Philip Phillips. Go to sleep before you start making even more ridiculous requests.

    4th Floor North Wing

  2. He's cute and all, but we can deliver food do you, but without duct tape and stun guns we can't deliver Philip Phillips. Go to sleep before you start making even more ridiculous requests.

  3. He's cute and all, but we can deliver food do you, but without duct tape and stun guns we can't deliver Philip Phillips. Go to sleep before you start making even more ridiculous requests.

    4th Floor North

  4. Damn... that prednisone must be powerful stuff! I've only given it to my dogs and it made them pee a lot of be hungry all the time.
