Saturday, January 19, 2013

Note to Becca and To Others Who May Possess the Ability to Read Between Lines

The arrival I though might be forthcoming in a month or so didn't wait. I don't wish to be crude, so I will not be more specific except to say that I will accept the sympathy or whatever from anyone who cares to offer it.


  1. Congratulations! Or not. Check it out, it's inconvenient, annoying, painful, whatever level of obnoxiousness the universe has deemed to bestow upon you, but, it's an end to a means. One more point in your favor should you decide to procreate.

  2. Thanks, Amelia. I assume it will probably be my desire to procreate at some point in the future. I probably shouldn't be whining, because I'm mildly hyperthyroid, which means that however painful or inconvenient my situation may be, I'm presumably getting off lightly in comparison to what would be my situation were I not hyperthyroid.

  3. Bwahahaha, ahhh the joys of being a woman ;)

    Lucky me started super early, 9 years old. I can only hope it will end early as well.

    We all whine about it :D

  4. It's good to know that we all whine about it. I will heretofore consider whining about it to be my inalienable right, right up there with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. (How effectively can anyone pursue happiness with F@#$ing menstrual cramps, anyway?)I wasn't at home this weekend so i kept my whining somewhat to a minimum because i was a little embarrassed about the situation anyway. two of the three people I was with were male, and I didn't necessarily want hem even to know except one is an MD and the other is a 3rd year med student and they figured it out.
    Next time it happens I'll probably be at home, and I will do absolutely nothing unless it's something I really want to do.

  5. Oh we all whine about it. For awhile there I was threatening hysterectomies on a monthly basis. Should you be curious I do not recommend the non hormonal iud.

  6. Actually I am curious, and as far-away as the need to know such things now seems, I will need to know the nitty-gritty dirt on birth control soon enough.

  7. What is worse, anyway? Starting at eighteen, or starting at 9? Now that it's finally arrived, my tendency is to say that, while being Donald-Trump's-head-flat-chested and without anything on my body that resembled a curve did nothing to increase my popularity with any boys except future child-molesters, now that the big event itself has arrived, I really wasn't missing all that much. I guess I pity any little girl who had to deal with it at too young an age.

  8. Alexis, my deepest sympathies to you and your womanhood. I got your e-mail this morning, and I decided to read up here to see if anything monumental happened. I'm sure this day brings forth it's own joys and sorrows.

    Who was the girl who's mother made her a cake to celebrate her coming of age?

  9. The girl whose mother made her a cake was Sienna from the loony bin. Bizarre beyond belief. . . I don't know who was odder, Sienna or her mother. Either way, it was proof positive that mental health issues can be inherited. Anyone who names her daughter after a Crayola crayon is just a tad off-center.

    As far as my issue, it's basically over. I hope it's not just beginner's luck. I'm hyperthyroid, which should work in my favor in this one area.
