Thursday, September 15, 2011

In a Fog Pit

Many people despise fog. For those living in California's Central Valley, fog, especially the dreaded Tule fog that blankets much of the San Joaquin valley for many consecutive days between November and March, is an unwelcome visitor of each year. It causes serious traffic accidents and depression in those who are prone to Seasonal Affective Disorder. This type of fog - while it does not bother me persoanlly unless I have to drive in it, can be a nuisance or worse.

On the other hand, the house where I am currently staying -- the PseudoRelatives' new residence -- is in an area directly over which clouds form most mornings and evenings. In the late mornings, the fog burns off and it is sunny. After the sun goes down, the clouds return, and the place is again enshrouded in fog.

Some would consider this a drawback. My PseudoRaltives did not and do not. Moist coastal air is a boon to almost anyone with chronic breathing issues. My breathing issues are far from chronic; if I happen to develop an upper respiratory infection of any type, it usually morphs into croup. PseudoAunt's lung problems are of a more chronic and serious nature. On a good day she has respiratory issues. A minor cold can quickly turn into pneumonia for her.

Living in a fog bank, even temporarily, is good for me, as I'm coming out of a fairly nasty case of croup. For PseudoAunt, the fog provides a daily supply of cool and moist air, which is highly therapeutic and restorative to her lung function.

Fog can be your friend.


  1. Fog makes me cry if I have to drive in it. In the city I survive, but in the country, it'll probably turn into a full blown panic attack. Nice to hear it's good for something though.

  2. I was staying at the Marriott Hotel in Santa Clara, and noticed the fog/cloud cover and the cold morning air, only for the clouds to be burnt away by the sun which, in comparison to the sun in Britain, was MUCH brighter and nicer.
